Happy π-Day: What is Pi?

What is π, or “pi” as we spell it out. The mathematical definition is the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter: It is...

Shredfest 6: Motörhead

A few months after Shredfest 5, on September 4th 2021 I got another opportunity at the Shredfests. This time with Motörhead. A set was prepared,...

Rocksmith+ Library Analyzis March 2023

This is an automatic generated post describing the last month of analytics from the Rocksmith+ Scraper. This analytics goes through what has been added during...

Kerbal Space Program 2

The long awaited follow up to Kerbin Space Program is finally here, in Early Access. Early Access means the game is far from finished, so...

Analysing Rocksmith+

Since Rocksmith+ is a game that will get content added continuously, and that I do scrape it, I figured I could also do with some...

Rocksmith+ Library pre Analyzis

Before we start regular analyzis of the data Rocksmith+ Scraper, let us recap on the history. Because of limitations in the way I have scraped...

Eye of the Beholder

Eye of the Beholder was a trillogy of RPG games set to the Forgotten Realms setting of D&D, the games was released from 1991 to...

Shredfest 5: Sepultura

On June 5th 2021 I did my debut Shredfest set. And for my debut I had chosen an hour of Sepultura, the Cavalera era Sepultura....

Streaming Setup as of February 2023

Every Twitch Streamer‘s setup is something that evolves over time. Mine is no exception. Before I start describing my setup, a service announcement. My setup...

Rocksmith+ Scraper

During the Rocksmith+ beta, there was circulated a Google Docs Spreadsheet with the songs available in the beta period. This was of course not an...