Why blocking Copyright content is bad

As a content creator I am one that is constantly affected by copyrights, since I mostly make content about and around music. I am fully aware of copyrights, and I don’t do this in an attempt to defend copyright infringements.

But what is copyrights, and how have it become so difficult to deal with?

Lets start on November 8th 1548, on this date, Henry II King of France granted an exclusive right to publish music to Nicolas du Chemin, granted by the Authority by God and the Kings Sword. Converting music to a property.

Copyright - all rights reserved
Copyright – all rights reserved

Don’t get me wrong, I totally support artists getting payed, but my problem with it is when content is completely blocked. As a content creator I generally use copyrighted music in some way or another, or I create content based around video games. In both these cases, I create content based on somebody elses creative content.

Video games in general allow content creators to create videos and streams based off their games, and this can in many cases also be seen as free advertisement.

But the issue is completely different with music. Copyright on music are sold as comodities, and different parties with different understandings on modern technology make legal desitions, often hurting anybody with creative interests.

Excert from YouTube creators Dashboard

From my Youtube dashboard this is quite evident. The yellow mark “partly blocked” means the video is blocked from being viewed in some territories. The red mark “blocked” means it is completely blocked, while the green “public” means everybody can see it. The “Copyright” mark means there are some restrictions on it, usually it means I am demonetized, which for me is completely fine, while the “None” means I theoretically can make money on that video. I have no problems at all with demonetizion, as I am a firm believer that the copyrightholders of music should get their share, though shared profit in some for would be preferrable.

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