Category: simulator

KSP2 is dead: Long Live KSP2

For the past months there have been a lot of rumors around KSP2, and a shock went through the community with a public posting that...

KSP2: For Science!

Just before the holidays, KSP2 released the patch, dubbed For Science! I have had some time to play with this new patch, and can...

Cities: Skyline 2, my thoughts

Cities: Skyline 2 released a few weks ago, and among a lot of other things I have spent some time tinkering with the new game....

Orbital Mechanics: What is Orbital Nodes?

To understand Orbital Mechanics, the physics around Orbits, and the mathematics, we have to have some sort of understanding of what Orbital Nodes are. Several...

KSP, kOS, and Apollo Guidance Computer

Space flight have been computer controlled and/or computer assisted since first time man ventured to space. So what does this have to do with Kerbal...

Kerbal Space Program 2

The long awaited follow up to Kerbin Space Program is finally here, in Early Access. Early Access means the game is far from finished, so...