Red Alert: When the alarm goes!

Today during my commute the civil defence sent out an alarm related to an extreme weather event. This is my thoughts about the use of...

Rocksmith+ Library Analyzis August 2023

During last month 50 new songs was added to the database bringing the library total to 11385 songs, also counting deactivated songs. Currently 492 songs...

Rocksmith+ Library Analyzis July 2023

This is an automatic generated post describing the last month of analytics from the Rocksmith+ Scraper. This analytics goes through what has been added during...

OSSEC: protect yourself from attacks

Your site been hacked? Suspect malicious traffic on your servers? You fear a recent plugin to your wordpress introduced a volunerability? Attacks can ome from...

Rocksmith+ Mobile, a review

Rocksmith+ for PC have been out since September last year, and officially only supports Windows PC for now. It has been advertised since the project...

Rocksmith+ Library Analyzis June 2023

This is an automatic generated post describing the last month of analytics from the Rocksmith+ Scraper. This analytics goes through what has been added during...

Orbital Mechanics: What is Orbital Nodes?

To understand Orbital Mechanics, the physics around Orbits, and the mathematics, we have to have some sort of understanding of what Orbital Nodes are. Several...

When nationalism turns bad

Today is the 17th of May, the Day of Constitution in Norway, though many erronously refers to it as Day of Independence. A little about...