Is B really B, H, or B?

In a previous post I talked about the circle of fifth and a few other basic stuff. Now it is time to make some noise...

Shredfest 8: The Cramps

After Shredfest 6 I had the briliantly stupid idea to prepare for The Cramps. A total of ZERO songs was available for Rocksmith 2014, so...

Rocksmith+ Library Analyzis April 2023

This is an automatic generated post describing the last month of analytics from the Rocksmith+ Scraper. This analytics goes through what has been added during...

KSP, kOS, and Apollo Guidance Computer

Space flight have been computer controlled and/or computer assisted since first time man ventured to space. So what does this have to do with Kerbal...

Happy π-Day: What is Pi?

What is π, or “pi” as we spell it out. The mathematical definition is the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter: It is...

Shredfest 6: Motörhead

A few months after Shredfest 5, on September 4th 2021 I got another opportunity at the Shredfests. This time with Motörhead. A set was prepared,...

Rocksmith+ Library Analyzis March 2023

This is an automatic generated post describing the last month of analytics from the Rocksmith+ Scraper. This analytics goes through what has been added during...

Kerbal Space Program 2

The long awaited follow up to Kerbin Space Program is finally here, in Early Access. Early Access means the game is far from finished, so...

Analysing Rocksmith+

Since Rocksmith+ is a game that will get content added continuously, and that I do scrape it, I figured I could also do with some...