Rocksmith+ Library pre Analyzis
Before we start regular analyzis of the data Rocksmith+ Scraper, let us recap on the history. Because of limitations in the way I have scraped the data, a full analytic of the past is not really possible. We are therefor limited to the data not likely to have been mutated.
The game was in public beta in June and July of 2021. During that time 518 songs was observed and logged in a spreadsheet. From Rocksmith 1 (2011) and Rocksmith 2014 we had a total of 1510 official DLCs when excluding exercises according to another spreadsheet I have hands on. I have as detailed as I can matched as many as possible of these songs to released songs.
Most of the songs in the library at the time of this post, was dropped at official release of the game in September 2022. In total, 10769 songs was made available on release or during the month of September. Almost everything was AI generated charts at this time.

In October 66 songs was added to the library, even though there was speculations in a Halloween themed drop, this was not observed.

In November 75 songs was added to the library. Nothing special was observed this month.

December came and another 65 songs was added to the library, several of which was holiday themed.

First drop in 2023 added 69 songs to the library. A noteworthy observation was a chunk of Jack White and The White Stripes, which had its own featured section in the game.

This is a summay of the “History” of Rocksmith+ scraped library before regular analytics will be run. For obvious reasons. Hope you enjoy these statistics, and hope you come by to check the regular updates that I will keep posting here. If there are any specific data you are interested in seeing, please let me know, and I will see how I can implement it into the scraper and the analytics script.